Wednesday, 4 January 2012

About Me

My name is Clara Mai Yan. I am a 29 year old visual arts/math teacher, high school counsellor and flight attendant. Since graduating from university, I have relocated to various countries mainly in the pursuit of my teaching career.Both life and the hunger for an emotionally enriching lifestyle have forced me to uproot and move consistently since leaving high school.
I enjoy a challenge want to explore avenues that few people dare to consider. It is really my thirst for an emotionally, professonally and socially enriching lifestyle that drives me to look forward to more personal growth.
My artistic abilities were fostered as a child where I illustrated and created storylines for small books that I stapled together. Unfortunately, none of them survived as they were estastically thrown out by my parents. Creativity has played a fundamental part in my life as is demonstrated through my poetry, mug designs and jewelery.
I have been told that I am a deep thinker. I don't know if this means neurosis, but I take this to be a good thing. I'm not a big fan of being brain dead. I tend to do well in abstract thinking activities or careers that require problem solving. Hence, my career in counselling and teaching. If something is deemed routine, I tend not to do well in it.
I grew up with a conservative father and loving mother. My dad is from Hong Kong and my mom is from Singapore. Although I am not close with my father, one thing he has taught me is to value work ethic rather than couch potato culture. My mom is the best and has done as much as she could to ensure I never suffer from starvation. This means having sent food parcels to university and dropping off 6 boxes of almond milk when they went on sale at Superstore.
As for both within the education and flying careers, I was bitten by the travel bug during my overseas teaching contract in Hong Kong. Upon returning to Canada, I realize that this disease will probably never be cured. In order to continue exploring the world and various grocery products, I took a part time position as a flight attendant and have no regrets about it. My parents think that I have given up on my teaching/counselling career, but I like to say that it is because I like variety in life. Redundantcy and routine is boring and makes you brain dead.
Here's to leading an exciting and fruitful life everyone! *cheers!*