Wednesday 7 November 2012

breakfast and two injured toes.

Hay guys! 

*sits at computer* Recently, two of my toes got trampled on by a 5 year old kid resulting in no shoe wearing for the next few weeks. The doctor says I will walk again and recommends me not to run on the treadmill. Yeah right. 

Staying home from work is not an option but wearing flip flops is. So each morning, I am pictured in a tan winter wool coat and flip flops on my feet. 

I've been teaching and counselling half days recently which has allowed me to sleep in and eat breakfast. It turns out that I live by an IHOP (just found out this morning) so I packed my bag and paddled out to eat. This is what my plate looked like this morning: 

Cathy was my waitress. She's adorable. This location resembles a small house and only seats limited number of people. Look at the plate though. It's so neatly arranged. I'm a slow eater so 30 mins later, my plate looked like this: 

I wasn't able to eat the sausage nor the pancakes so it was taken to go in a foil wrap. Cathy offered a container, but I f*kn HATE styrofoam and bulkiness. 

On the topic of BREAKFAST, I had recieved a coupon for free smoked cured bacon while at the FARM TO CART event. "Re-up bbq" is located at New West Quay and specializes in pulled pork. Here's my bacon snack pack: 

My last pit stop before returning home for the day was the temporary 'art display' at the Quay. The showing exhibits, "The Wonders of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Children. Reggio Emilia, Italy. 

The last time I was exposed to the Reggio Emilia concept was from a colleague in Singapore who acted extremely unprofessional. As a result, I have negative associations to it. I'd rather not get into the story of what happened overseas. 

However, it is a blessing that I walked in on this exhibit as I met Susan, who is a retired professor from Douglas College. Susan is responsible for teaching EDUC courses at Douglas and embraces 'out of the box' thinking and learning. It is due to her that I have less negative associations with RE concept. Here is a photo of what kids may be exposed to in a Reggio Emilia learning environment: 

After observing all the objects, I made this message using the chain and bolts. And I wrote this message: 

And on that note, I'll sign off for now :) 

1 comment:

  1. I hop is okay. White spot breakfast always delivers!
